Green Me Up project at 32nd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition 2024

The Green Me Up project partecipated at the 32nd EUBCE in Marseille with two oral presentations: one held on 27th of June by our project coordinator Myrsini Christou from CRES Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (Greece) and one on 26th of June by Ronja Wollnik from DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige (Germany).

Our coordinator Myrsini Christou held a presentation about “Biomethane market dynamics & framework conditions in Europe (the project GreenMeUp)” and below are listed the main key points of it:

  • Europe’s biomethane target country leaders are Czech Republic, Estonia, and Spain. Czech Republic has the highest production capacity, while Estonia prioritizes transport use with dedicated infrastructure despite having fewer biogas plants. Agriculture is the main feedstock, and all countries have gas infrastructure for biomethane. Stable policies, national targets, and consistent feedstock are key for growth, with Estonia leading in demand-side support for biomethane.
  • Lack of clear roadmaps, weak national targets, and slow implementation of EU biogas/biomethane regulations create uncertainty, hindering countries from reaching EU goals. Weak, non-binding national targets and slow legal adoption further dampen progress.
  • In terms of feedstock availability, scattered small farms dominate the agricultural sector, hindering the efficient collection of biomass. This fragmentation makes it costly for potential producers, as gathering feedstock from dispersed sources often requires travel beyond a 50km radius, exceeding economic feasibility.
  • Concerning the connection to the grid, biomethane faces hurdles. Oxygen levels may need to be lowered for transmission lines, and distribution systems might have limited capacity to accept additional biomethane. The connection process itself is expensive, with no financial support currently available for producers. Additionally, limited access to the gas grid and a lack of CNG filling stations create further obstacles for widespread biomethane adoption.

Click HERE to download the full presentation.

LINK to Myrsini Christou LinkedIn post.

Project coordinator Myrsini Christou presenting at EUBCE. Presentation title: “Biomethane market dynamics & framework conditions in Europe (the project GreenMeUp)”

Ronja Wollnik from DBFZ held a presentation on “A holistic framework of Key Performance Indicators for assessing national biomethane market uptake in European countries”, analyzing different aspects of biomethane such as:

  • Status quo and future potentials;
  • the integration of biomethane into value chains;
  • the different production routes and potential end uses of biomethane;
  • KPIs for the country analysis.

Furthermore, a PESTEL analysis has been used to investigate about eight different Key Indicators to evalutate biomethane market uptake at national level.

Click HERE to download the full presentation.

LINK to Ronja Wollnik presentation post.

Ronja Wollnik holding the Green Me Up project presentation. Presentation title: “Biomethane market uptake – a holistic framework of Key Performance indicators for assessing national biomethane market uptake in European countries”.

If you want to know more about the participation of the project at 32nd EUBCE, here is the LINK to the LinkedIn post were you can find more details about it, its partners and their involvement at the conference.