The GreenMeUp consortium is thrilled to announce its first webinar!
As biomethane production continues to grow – reaching the incredible result of 20% increase in Europe in 2022 compared to the previous year – it is important to understand how this production targets can continue to grow in a proper and aligned way among all EU Member States.
In this regard, we will hear the voices of those European countries where biomethane market is still emerging: among these ones, we will have CZ Biom representing Czech Republic, Polska Izba Gospodarcza Energetyki Odnawialnej i Rozproszonej (PIGEOR) representing Poland, Latvian Biogas Association representing Latvia and Estonian Biogas Association representing Estonia.
An interesting occasion for discussing about suggested market uptake measures and collected best practices that can improve the deployment of biomethane in Europe!
Save the date: join us online on 18th of January, at 14:30 (CET)!
Below you can find the webinar agenda: