The ALFA project seeks to support the market uptake of biogas production technologies in livestock farming, helping increase the share of renewable energy in the EU and reduce emissions from untreated manure.

BIOMETHAVERSE (Demonstrating and Connecting Production Innovations in the Biomethane Universe) aims to diversify the technology basis for biomethane production in Europe, to increase its cost-effectiveness, and to contribute to the uptake of biomethane technologies. 

The Biostar2c project is the final phase of a programme of work delivered in support of CEN and Technical Committee CEN/TC408 initiated by DG ENER, aimed at revision of the standards and therefore removal of barriers to introduction of biomethane into gas networks and vehicles.

The CarbonNeutralLNG project targets electricity enhanced conversion of biomass residues by thermal gasification into CO/CO2 and H2, and subsequently into liquefied bio-methane (GreenLNG).

Photo2Fuel aims to produce biofuels and biochemicals from captured CO2 using only solar power as energy source. The project utilizes a hybrid system comprising microorganisms (Moorella thermoacetica and Methanosarcina barkeri), photosensitizers, and captured CO2 to produce biomethane and acetic acid.

HYFUELUP (Hybrid Biomethane Production from Integrated Biomass Conversion) is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme to develop an advanced, innovative, and competitive technology for clean biomethane production. 

PRODIGIO (Developing early-warning systems for improved microalgae PROduction and anaerobic DIGestION) aims to boost the efficiency of solar energy conversion into biogas by increasing the performance of microalgae production systems and anaerobic digestion systems, thanks to the development of early-warning signals for improved systems monitoring and control.

SEMPRE-BIO aims to showcase new and cost-efficient solutions for biomethane production, to support circular economy and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Our goal is to turn theoretical models into practical applications within three European Biomethane Innovation Ecosystems (EBIE): Wastewater (CS1); Green waste (CS2); Manure organic waste (CS3).

The main objective of METHAREN is to demonstrate a cost-effective, innovative, more sustainable, and circular biomethane production system enabling renewable energy sources (RES) intermittency management. The project will demonstrate the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of the whole production chain from feedstock to injection of methane into the grid.

The overall objective of the H2020 FlexSNG project is to develop and validate (TRL5) a flexible and cost-effective gasification-based process for the production of pipeline-quality biomethane, high-value biochar and renewable heat from a wide variety of low-quality biomass residues and biogenic waste feedstocks.

The European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy is an industry-led stakeholder platform that brings together relevant actors from academia, industry,  and civil society, engaged in the development of sustainable bioenergy and competitive biofuel technologies.